20% of new hepatitis cases caused by tattoos and piercing

| Sat, 09/20/2008 - 03:00

Some 20% of new cases of hepatitis C in Italy appear to be related to having had tattoos or piercing, experts said on Thursday.

Contracting the hepatitis C virus by having tattoos and piercing is becoming more frequent not only because these practices are now more widespread but also because they are performed without respecting proper hygiene conditions, experts said.

According to Mario Rizzetto of Turin's Molinette Hospital, ''one can contract the hepatitis C virus by being tattooed even if the needles have been sterilised because the ink could have been infected by a previous client''.

The hepatitis C virus is passed by blood-to-blood contact and there is currently no vaccine to prevent it.

Many who have the virus are unaware of it because they suffer only mild symptoms.

The liver-damaging disease can be treated if diagnosed early otherwise it can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
