70-year old pensioner leaves 98-year old mother in car to go dancing with 24-year old carer

| Tue, 08/21/2007 - 05:37

A 70-year-old pensioner who left his 98-year-old mother in his car while he took her 24-year-old carer out dancing will have some explaining to do when he faces the judge.

The pensioner - from the central city of Terni - was twirling around the ballroom with his mother's Romanian carer, having a jolly time.

But the music ended a couple of hours later when the P.A. system announced the police were at the door, and he was wanted.

The officers had been out looking for him after receiving reports from concerned motorists who had spotted the woman in the car.

However, she had apparently fallen asleep and got a bill of good health by doctors aboard an ambulance rushed to the scene.

When police told him they were nevertheless pressing charges, the pensioner shrugged it off and said he just didn't understand what all the fuss was about.
