Aid to auto industry only within EU framework, Frattini says

| Tue, 12/16/2008 - 04:45

The Italian government would consider helping the automobile sector through the current financial crisis but only within a European Union framework, Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said here on Monday.

''It would be wrong to help one sector over another based on the individual needs of the member states. However, if Europe decides on a general framework to help certain for sectors, including the automobile industry, we would take this into consideration,'' the minister explained.

''But until this comes happens it would be very dangerous to give aid to a sector on a member by member basis. It is a method I have never approved of,'' Frattini added.

He made his remarks on the sidelines of a meeting here of foreign minister from the EU and countries bordering on the Mediterranean.

In a related development, Fiat on Monday closed down all its factories in Italy and placed its staff on temporary reduced wages for four weeks.

Unions said this affects 59,000 employees, although Fiat put the number at 48,000.

Fiat took the action in response to a sharp drop in demand due to the global economic crisis sparked by the earlier credit crunch.

Fiat plants are set to re-open on January 10.
