'Anti-corruption' turnstiles at premier's offices

| Mon, 10/13/2008 - 09:21

Staff at Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's offices returned to work on Monday to discover glass turnstiles had been installed to show when they entered and left work as part of a government drive to stamp out corruption in the civil service.

Berlusconi and Civil Service Minister Renato Brunetta launched the crackdown last week, unveiling a new anti-corruption task force to deal with what the premier described as ''pathological and endemic'' corruption in Italy's ''sprawling, bureaucratic and bloated public administration''.

Inaugurating the badge-swipe turnstiles at Palazzo Chigi on Monday, Brunetta said it was the first time in the history of the premier's offices that there would be records of staff coming in and out after previous governments had failed in attempts to set up similar systems.

''This will serve to guarantee greater productivity, less absenteeism and most of all better service for citizens,'' he said, adding that it represented ''a new season of responsibility and transparency in the public sector''.

A Palazzo Chigi employee who wished to remain anonymous said the turnstiles were an important symbol but said public workers in the building had nothing to fear from the new system.

''Turnstiles or not, we've always worked hard. I don't think it's a punitive move - people who work here have clean consciences,'' he said.

Bars near Palazzo Chigi where workers take coffee breaks also seemed unruffled.

''We have lots of clients who work at Palazzo Chigi and, I can assure you, there are always cunning people. I don't think the coffee break is in danger, they'll find a way to come out for sure,'' said Antonio, a barman at the Tazza d'Oro cafe by the Pantheon.

Brunetta has already hit headlines for a campaign against ''slackers''.

On Monday he said sick days were down 50% over three months following his move to cut pay for suspected malingerers, which by the end of the year would effectively mean 60,000 more people at work.

The minister has also pledged to install turnstiles at the civil service ministry.
