Arno Valley is capital of new economy

| Mon, 02/11/2008 - 05:46

There are 7,927 businesses in the Tuscan division of the Information Communication Technology.

Among them 1,764 are completely dedicated to the production of hi-tech goods and services, while another 3,064 have activities predominately dedicated to new technologies.

The news was revealed by Bi4it (Business Intelligence 4 Informatica Toscana), a project financed by the Tuscan Region, which took place in Pisa with the Consorzio Apice and CAN, in collaboration with the Scuola Sant'Anna and Unicamere.

On the basis of the data collected and validated by field research on 1,150 companies Pisa, Florence and Arezzo have been confirmed as one of the national capitals of the new economy.

The largest number of ICT businesses is concentrated in these three provinces, which creates a type of 'Arno Valley', similar to Silicon Valley in California.

The sales volume backs this claim: 76.1% of Tuscan businesses do less than 250,000 euro in sales, 12.4% between 250,000 and 500,000, 4.3% between 500,000 and 750,000, 2.3% between 750,000 and 1 million and only 4.9% do more than 1 million euro in sales.

The regional average number of employees is 5.1. The entrepreneurs, 74.8% of which are Tuscan, are an average 33.2 years old and are university graduates.
