Arrests made after political street fight

| Thu, 05/29/2008 - 03:30

Three people were placed under house arrest in Rome on Wednesday following a street fight that broke out between left-leaning students and neo-Fascist militants.

The scuffle that broke out on Tuesday outside the city's La Sapienza University left four people requiring hospital treatment for head injuries, bruising and, in one case, a broken shoulder.

The three men under house arrest - two neo-Fascists and one student - have prior convictions.

Three others who were arrested were freed on bail on Wednesday to await trial in July.

The students claim that the fight broke out when they were attacked by a group of men who arrived in a car and began to beat them with chains and baseball bats as they were putting up anti-Fascist posters around the university.

Their alleged assailants - all supporters of the tiny neo-Fascist Forza Nuova party - insist that the students attacked them while they were putting up political posters.

Political tensions at the university have run high since April's elections saw the right sweeping to victory at national and local level.

On Tuesday the university's rector was criticised by right-wing politicians including Forza Nuova leader Roberto Fiore for cancelling a lecture about controversial wartime atrocities when thousands of Italians were killed by Yugoslav Communist guerillas at the end of World War II.

The lecture was due to have taken place this week.

Tuesday's incident followed a raid by a group of masked men who smashed up Bengali immigrant shops in the city at the weekend.

In another neo-Fascist attack in Verona earlier this month a group of skinheads beat up a 29-year-old Italian who later died in hospital.
