"Ballets Russes" directed by Carla Fracci in the hills of Lucca

| Mon, 07/27/2009 - 03:30

Lucca reserves a very special event for ballet lovers this August - a homage to "Ballets Russes" directed by Carla Fracci and with dancers from the Rome Ballet Theatre participating.

The event will take place in the elegant Villa Olive, a beautiful Renaissance villa in the hills of Lucca.

The Ballets Russes (French for The Russian Ballets) was an itinerant ballet company which performed under the directorship of Sergei Diaghilev between 1909 and 1929. The company's productions, which combined new dance, art and music, created a huge sensation around the world, altering the course of musical history, bringing many significant visual artists into the public eye, and completely reinvigorating the art of performing dance.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the company - and the homage will take spectators through the highlights of what are considered the best pieces of the Ballets Russes - including a special "character" performance by Carla Fracci herself.

For more information visit - www.villaoliva.it
