Bavaria welcomes products from Siena

| Sun, 06/22/2008 - 03:08

Wines and gourmet products from Siena are ready to promote their top brands and conquer the top of the top of global production at Gourmet's Italia-Wine Festival & Culinaria.

The festival promotes excellence in Italian wine and specialty foods in Munich in Bavaria, Germany from June 23 to 24.

The event is one of the most important opportunities to confirm the high standards that characterize the Siena offerings of traditional wine and food products.

The participating Siena businesses were chosen from a prestigious circle of 160 national producers by a tasting commission from Gourmet's International.

During the course of the fair, an expert guide will comment on the preparation of traditional Sienese dishes and wine pairings, providing information on quality, production methods and distribution phases.
