Candidates for premier down to nine

| Mon, 03/03/2008 - 03:23

The number of candidates running for the post of premier in Italy's April general elections narrowed down to nine on Friday after two centrist parties joined forces.

Bruno Tabacci, leader of the White Rose party of ex-Christian Democrats, withdrew from the race in favor of former House speaker Pier Ferdinando Casini, head of the Union of Christian Democrats (UDC).

Although this reduced the number of candidates to nine, the number could still rise against before the deadline to present party tickets expires on Sunday afternoon.

Among those who may decide to run on his own party ticket is Clemente Mastella, who apparently has not yet found an acceptable offer from any of the center or center-right parties in the race.

Mastella, who heads another party of ex-Christian Democrats, the Udeur, triggered the downfall of the center-left government of Premier Romano Prodi last month when he withdrew his party's support in the Senate, leaving Prodi without a majority.

Parliament was later dissolved and early elections called when no new majority could be put together.

The candidates for premier at present are:

SILVIO BERLUSCONI, the former premier who heads the People of Freedom Party consisting of his Forza Italia party and the right-wing National Alliance of Gianfranco Fini, which has the support of the Northern League in the north and the MPA centrist party in the south.

WALTER VELTRONI, the ex-mayor of Rome who leads the Democratic Party (PD), which was born during the outgoing legislature through the merger of the Democratic Left and centrist Daisy party.

FAUSTO BERTINOTTI, the outgoing House speaker who is running for The Left-Rainbow alliance of parties to the left of the PD.

ENRICO BOSELLI, leader of the Socialist Party which refused to join the DP in order to maintain its own political and historical identity.

PIER FERDINANDO CASINI, a former House speaker and head of the Catholic UDC.

DANIELA GARNERO SANTANCHE', a former member of the National Alliance who joined the breakaway party The Right started by ex-Fini 'colonel' Francesco Storace.

MARCO FERRANDO, an orthodox Communist who created his own party, the Communist Workers Party, which, as opposed to The Left-Rainbow party, retained the hammer and sickle symbol.

FLAVIA D'ANGELI, a member of the Critical Left, which also uses the hammer and sickle symbol.

ROBERTO FIORE, leader of the neofascist Forza Nuova (New Force) hard right party.
