Chianti Classico best wine for a desert island

| Fri, 03/20/2009 - 05:01

Chianti Classico is the perfect wine to have when taking refuge on a desert island to escape civilization, according to the specialised British magazine Decanter.

In its April edition, the magazine published the results of a survey it took among its journalists asking what one wine they would want if they were to spend the rest of their existence on a desert island.

Chianti Classico has chosen by the magazine's correspondent in Florence, Richard Baudains, who said the Tuscan red was ''perhaps the best imaginable wine to have on one's table. It is never obvious, banal or too simple''.

''Chianti Classico is also a wine which clearly expresses the various characteristics which distinguish the many vineyards which produce it,'' he added.

Chianti Classico was the only Italian wine picked in the poll.
