China lifts mozzarella ban

| Sat, 04/19/2008 - 03:09

China has lifted its ban on the import and sale of buffalo-milk mozzarella from Italy, Italian Ambassador Riccardo Sessa said Friday.

China's food safety authority also repealed compulsory inspections of other Italian cheeses.

The lifting of the restrictions came after weeks-long talks led by the Italian embassy with the assistance of the European Commission and Italy's Foreign Trade Institute ICE.

Sessa immediately informed Italian restaurateurs working in China and other cheese-sector operators.

Japan and South Korea recently lifted bans on mozzarella made from buffalo milk in the Campania region around Naples.

The Asian countries imposed their bans after tests showed the presence of dioxin contamination at a handful of farms.

Italy has since satisfied the EC that it is successfully managing the case, which has never posed health risks.
