Cost of living should be government priority, voters say

| Wed, 04/16/2008 - 03:22

Bringing down the cost of living is what Italians who voted in the general election want most from the new government, a survey by the Digis research group for SkyTg24 television news said on Tuesday.

Curbing the inflation rate - which hit a 12-year high in March - was top of the wish list for voters on both sides of the political divide, with 56% of centre-right supporters and 65% of centre-left supporters making it a priority.

For Italians who voted for Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party, emphasis on family values, cutting costs in public administration, help for businesses, security and justice were the next most important issues.

Supporters of Walter Veltroni's Democratic Party placed cutting costs in public administration as the second most urgent task for the new government, followed by justice and family values, tied in third place. Help for businesses and security were last on the list.

The survey involved 1,500 voters of all ages representing different regions and professions.
