Cycling: Belgian in suicide bid

| Fri, 06/08/2007 - 05:45

Veteran Belgian cyclist Frank Vandenbroucke has been hospitalised in Italy after trying to commit suicide, staff said Thursday.

Vandenbroucke, 32, once billed as Belgian cycling's greatest talent, is still in a "serious" condition 24 hours after trying to take his life, sources at Fornaroli Hospital at Magenta near Milan said.

They declined to provide details about his suicide bid but said he had been in treatment for depression for some time, in the wake of doping problems.

Vandenbroucke, who rides for Italy's Acqua&Sapone-Mokambo team, scored his biggest victory in 1999 when he won the one-day classic Liege-Bastogne-Liege in dominant style.

His career took a downturn after a string of doping scandals including one in which he was found with the blood-booster EPO in his car.

Vandenbroucke, who has always denied taking drugs, said it was for his dog.

Ironically, news of Vandebroucke's suicide attempt broke amid reports of cycling's latest major doping bust - in his native Belgium.

A dozen unidentified riders and masseurs were involved in a probe into Belgium's Quick Step team, police said.
