'Dead' woman denied health card

| Thu, 03/06/2008 - 03:33

An 80-year woman was denied a national health card because, according to health officials, she had been dead for 25 years, the local press reported on Wednesday.

The incident took place at the national health office in nearby San Giuseppe di Copparo, where Ultimina Dalla Pria was told that their official records showed that she had been dead since January 1, 1983.

After recovering from the initial shock, the 80-year-old told officials that she was still quite alive and kicking and had no intention of dying.

''But this didn't change anything. Even after I showed them my identity card, proving there had been a mistake, they wouldn't budge and refused to give me a national health card,'' Dalla Pria told the Resto del Carlino daily.

''At that point I went to the public records office where official records showed that I was clearly not dead at all'', she added.

In order to be alive again for the national health service, Dalla Pria must file with the local public health office copies of official documents attesting to the fact that she is alive.

This process will involve hiring a lawyer and in the meantime she will not be able to have free prescription medicines because, as of January 1, a national health card must be shown in order to receive them.

''I hope my doctor can find a way around this,'' Dalla Pria said.
