Di Paola takes over as Military Committee chairman

| Sun, 06/29/2008 - 03:17

Italian Admiral Giampaolo Di Paola on Friday formally took over his new duties as chairman of NATO's Military Committee, a post where he will also serve as chief military advisor to the secretary-general.

Admiral Di Paola, formerly Italy's Chief of the Defense Staff, took over from Canadian General Ray Henault and will hold his position for the next three years.

Italian Defense Minister Ignazio La Russa sent a message of congratulations to Admiral Di Paola and said his appointment to the high office was ''an unequivocal recognition of your abilities and professionalism which have been unanimously recognized within NATO and which constitute a great honor for the Italian armed forces, the defense ministry and Italy itself''.

The 63-year-old admiral is the second Italian to hold the post since it was made a full-time, elective position in 1963.

The first was Admiral Guido Venturoni from 1999 to 2002.

''I am honoured by the confidence shown in me by my fellow Chiefs of Defense. I am well aware of the importance of my assignment and, above all, I am aware that my appointment is in recognition of the contributions made and loyalty shown by Italy and its government,'' Di Paola said after his election.

In his new position, Admiral Di Paola will serve as chief military advisor to NATO Secretary-General Jaap De Hoop Scheffer, liaising with NATO chiefs of defense and overseeing NATO operations in Kosovo and Afghanistan.

The chairman of the Military Committee also directs its day-to-day business and is its representative at meetings of the North Atlantic Council, the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group in an advisory capacity on military matters.

He is also the senior military spokesperson for the Atlantic Alliance in contacts with media.

Born in Naples in 1944, Di Paola was appointed Italy's defense chief of staff in January 2004 after serving as defense secretary general and national armaments director.

He was also a long-time submarine commander.
