Discos and night clubs to post alcohol legal limit charts

| Tue, 09/23/2008 - 09:10

Starting Tuesday, night clubs and discos will be obliged to post charts which will allow customers to calculate whether they are over the legal limit for alcohol consumption in regard to driving.

Any premises which offer entertainment and serves drinks will also have to post the charts which are only guidelines given that surpassing the legal limit of 0.5 grams per liter in the blood differs depending on sex, height, weight and whether the person has eaten.

For example, a woman who weighs 45kg and drinks one beer on an empty stomach would surpass the legal limit to drive.

The initiative is part of a package of measures passed by parliament last year in the wake of a rash of weekend traffic fatalities which were alcohol-related and dubbed the 'Saturday Night Massacre'.

The measures do not apply to bars and restaurants but only places offering entertainment, for which there is already a 2am curfew on serving alcohol.

The charts must be posed in entryways and exits as well as inside the premises.
