Drivers fined by 'Policeman' with toy gun

| Fri, 02/08/2008 - 04:40

Police in Catania have arrested a man who allegedly posed as a police officer with a toy gun and a hand-held stop sign to flag down and fine passing motorists.

Francesco Anzani, 34, doled out penalties for supposed traffic violations to the drivers he stopped, giving them 'discounts' on the full amount payable and leaving them with counterfeit receipts when they handed over their cash.

A suspicious motorcyclist reported Anzani to the police after he was flagged down by the bogus officer for driving without a helmet, but not before handing over 50 euros to prevent Anzani confiscating his vehicle.

Police found the toy gun, the stop sign and 50 fake receipts in Anzani's Audi A6, which he had fitted with a flashing light.

The car turned out to belong to a Milanese acquaintance of Anzani who had lent it to him when he said he needed to take a relative to hospital during a visit to the northern city. Anzani failed to return the car.

He is under investigation for aggravated fraud, impersonating a police officer and extortion.
