ENI relaxes dress code to save planet

| Sat, 07/07/2007 - 05:52

Abandoning a traditional point of honour for Italian businesses, energy group ENI has decided that this summer it doesn't matter if its staff are not impeccably turned out at all times.

The company has announced on its website that employees are not obliged to wear a jacket and tie in the office during the hot summer months.

Deciding that global warming is more of a threat than casual dressing, ENI intends to save electricity by turning air conditioners down and allowing office temperatures to rise by one degree Celsius.

As a result, the once unthinkable idea of executives sitting at their desks in shirtsleeves is now being encouraged.

They will, of course, have to don their jackets and ties again if they leave the building.

The news of the sartorial earthquake at ENI spread quickly and drew applause from environmentally-minded politicians.

Ermete Realacci, head of the House environmental affairs committee, said it was an "excellent" idea and suggested it be extended to other companies and even to the two branches of parliament.

"Saving energy is certainly the cheapest, most reasonable and most farsighted way of fighting climate change," he said.

"Any initiative, even the most simple, is welcome if it contributes to this objective".
