Exotic cooking prompts neighbourly food fights

| Tue, 12/16/2008 - 04:57

Italians have long enjoyed a reputation as food lovers but this is being put to the test by exotic flavours from further afield, according to a new report.

Unfamiliar cooking smells are causing a growing number of fights between neighbours living in the same apartment block, claims the report by ANAMMI, a national association representing condominium managers.

''The most typical case is when a number of residents group together to complain about the aroma of Asian cooking,'' commented ANAMMI President Giuseppe Bica. ''The resident responsible typically replies: 'You have your fried food, let me have my curry'''.

While leaks are still the biggest source of fights between neighbours, accounting for 27% of all problems, complaints over ''ethnic cooking'' have risen to second place, causing 14% of disputes.

The exotic cuisines least palatable to Italians are those from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, accounting for 80% of food-related fights.

Chinese cooking is the focus of 15% of disputes, while the remaining 5% centre on North African specialties.
