FAO to hosts codex alimentarius meeting

| Fri, 06/29/2007 - 04:44

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will host the 30th annual meeting of the Codex Alimentarius Commission here from July 2-7.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission is the joint international food standard setting body for FAO and the World Health Organization (WHO).

At present 174 countries are members along with the European Union.

This year's meeting will consider several draft food standards. These include: a Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products; a Code of Hygienic Practice for Eggs and Egg Products; and a Revised Standard for Infant Formula and Formulas for Special Medical Purposes Intended for Infants.

The full agenda of the discussions can be found at: http://www.codexalimentarius.net.

The meeting is preceded by the 59th Session of the Codex Executive Committee, which advises the Commission on selected issues, from 26 June to 29 June 2007.
