Fast Romance - Italian Style

| Sun, 08/19/2007 - 09:01

A candlelit meal with the best Italian food is one of the most romantic ideas in the world for many people outside Italy.

Unfortunately, there aren't always good Italian restaurants to be found, and not everyone knows how to cook.

Two Piemontese businessmen think they may have come up with the solution, founding the company Lunapiena SNC (meaning "full moon"), with the help of Turin provincial council's MIP-Mettersi office for start-up businesses.

Lunapiena runs a website, which sells food products and a special kit for seducers who hope to win over a new love or provide a special evening of romance for an existing partner.

The "kit for two" provides pasta, sauce, cold cuts, cheese, bread, sweets and wine, as well as glasses, plates, and a personalized tablecloth, either featuring an image or with a choice of embroidery.

It naturally comes with candles, and is available within a few days from submitting the request.

The site is in English and German, as it is mainly directed at a foreign market. So far, there have been plenty of requests, most of which from the US. However, Lunapiena believes the idea can also be marketed in Italy, and a number of offices from the public administration are already in contact with Lunapiena to look at the possibility of pre-packaging the kit in boxes, as original souvenirs for tourists who want to take home the best food and wine that Piedmont has to offer.
