Food & wine in Spain

| Sun, 06/08/2008 - 03:04

Fifty Tuscan companies are taking part in a new initiative that will bring 600 of the region's quality wine and food products to Spanish tables until June 28.

Thanks to an agreement between Toscana Promozione and Spain's most important large scale distribution supermarket chain, El Corte Ingles, the 'Sabores y tradiciones de Toscana 2008' campaign is expected to bring in 1.5 million euros from 65 sales points.

For the superintendent for the internationalization of the Tuscan region, Abrogio Brenna, it is ''a great opportunity for the businesses of the area to penetrate an important market like the Spanish one''.

The director of Toscana Promozione Stefano Romagnoli, who was in Spain for the inauguration of the campaign, said it was necessary to invest in relations with Spain with the goal of reinforcing commerce in the Tuscan export sector.

The 'Sabores y tradiciones de Toscana 2008' campaign takes place at the supermarket and restaurant chain, ''Club del Gourmet'' de El Corte Ingles, one of the most interesting and prestigious large scale international distribution chains on the European scene.

The initiative represents the consolidation of 'Tuscany: Il Gusto d'Italia', a campaign that involved 200 businesses in the food, fashion, home de'cor and gold sectors for sales of over 12 million euros.

Participating in 'Sabores y tradiciones de Toscana 2008' are the Tuscan regional government, Toscana Promozione, the Italian Embassy and Consulate in Madrid, ICE and the Chamber of Commerce in Madrid, the Italian Chamber in Seville and Enit.

The list of the Tuscan businesses taking part in the campaign are: Ambrogio Folonari, Azienda Agricola Lischeto, Azienda Agricola Piero Gonnelli, Azienda Agricola I Mori, Azienda Agricola Nottola, Azienda Ferrari Iris, Biscottificio Belli, Boscovivo, Cantina La Selva, Casa Alle Vacche, Casa Vinicola Giunti, Caseificio Sociale Manciano, Castelli Del Grevepesa, Castello Di Montalcino, Castello Di Olivetto, Castello Di Terrazzano, Castello Vicchiomaggio, Claudio Lombardi, Coli Spa, Fattoria! Casabla nca, Fattoria Di Gratena, Fattoria Lornano, Fiore Srl, Forno Steno, Ghezzi Alimentari, Ghiott Dolciaria, I.N.P.A., Il Cafe' Manaresi, La Casella, La Fabrica Del Panforte, La Novella, La Selva, Malenchini, Mannucci Droandi, Orti Toscani, Panizzi, Paticceria Marabissi, Poggio Salvi, Prodotti Da Forno, Raffaelli, Rda Srl, Sibel, Terrabianca, Tiberio, Toscopan, Triglia Srl, Sapori, A. Mattei, La Collina Toscana, Il Boschetto.
