Frattini to meet father of kidnapped soldier

| Wed, 01/21/2009 - 03:35

Italy is eager to help secure the release of Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit, a prisoner of Hamas in Gaza for the last two and a half years, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said Tuesday.

Speaking before meeting Shalit's father here, Frattini said he would tell him about the efforts Italy intends to make in the case.

Israel considers Shalit's release essential for the normalisation of the situation after the three-week conflict.

Frattini will also discuss the case in Egypt Wednesday with Egyptian negotiator Omar Suleiman, who has been having parallel talks with Hamas.

Italy does not consider Hamas a talking partner and Hamas will receive no Italian aid, Frattini stressed.

Speaking in Italy's capacity as G8 leader, Frattini called on the European Union to send a ''strong message,'' voicing the hope that an EU foreign ministers' meeting Monday would come up with a proposal along the lines of Egypt's.

This calls for reconciliation between Hamas and the Fatah-run Palestinian National Authority in the West Bank as a condition for the reconstruction of Gaza.

Frattini was set to wind up his visit to Israel by meeting Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu.
