Historic Tuscan businesses prosper

| Wed, 09/19/2007 - 03:16

Region boasts numerous companies set up centuries ago - The Association of Historic Businesses in Tuscany (Unione imprese storiche toscane) an association that brings together companies that have been in business for at least 300 years is a true testament to the excellence of Tuscan products.

There are currently twenty members businesses both large and small. They all share a solid international reputation and the unique ability to maintain a perfect synthesis between tradition and innovation over the course of time.

The following businesses are UIST members: Antinori Winery, (1385), Ricasoli (1141), Mazzei Castello in Fonterutoli (1435), Biondi Santi (1888), the Hotel Porta Rossa in Florence (1386), the Officina Profumo Farmaceutica di Santa Maria Novella (1612), Torrini goldsmiths (1369), Fratelli Alinari photographers (1852), Salomone Belforte & c. booksellers (1805), Fiore di Siena confectioners (1827), Gonnelli di Firenze bookstore (1875), Cambiano banks (1884), Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (1805), Federico Del Vecchio (1889), Fondiaria insurance company (1879) Giusto Manetti Battiloro silversmith (1820), Giovanni Masini e figli construction (1863), Toscana Energia (1845) and the Vallecchi publishing house (1903).

The association promotes the study of historic businesses in addition to organizing educational courses that bring historic businesses up to speed on current laws and best practices.

The Toscana Region has recently pledged support for similar courses.
