International issues focus of Napolitano talks

| Fri, 06/13/2008 - 03:57

International issues including the war on terror and the Middle East were the focus of a 40-minute meeting Thursday between visiting United States President George W. Bush and Italian Head of State Giorgio Napolitano.

Sources at the presidential Quirinale Palace added that they also reviewed the world economic situation in view of the Group of Eight (G8) summit Italy will host next year.

Other topics discussed included the recent food summit in Rome and the fight against organized crime, the sources said.

Following their talks Napolitano offered his guest a lunch which consisted of pasta with a vegetable sauce, veal chops with side dishes of eggplant parmesan and new potatoes, while for dessert a millefoglie pastry, known in America as a napoleon, was served.

The food was accompanied by a white Fiano di Avellino wine and a red Flaccianello della Piave, while a sparkling Ferrari spumante was used for the toasts.

The two presidents were joined at lunch by, among others, Italy's ambassador to the US, Gianni Castellaneta, Napolitano's diplomatic advisor Rocco Cangelosi and the Italian president's chief of staff, Carlo Guefi.
