Italians prefer Clinton but see Obama winning nomination

| Tue, 02/05/2008 - 04:01

Italians prefer Clinton but see Obama winning nominationAlthough more Italians, if given the chance, would vote for Hillary Clinton, the vast majority believe that Barack Obama will be the Democratic Party nominee for president of the United States, according to a new poll.

Carried out by the Piepoli Institute for the satellite channel Sky 24 News, the poll found that over 40% of Italians are very interested in the American primaries and 56% liked the system, while 30% do not.

Among the 504 adults quizzed in the poll, 58% said that they would vote for a Democratic candidate in the November presidential elections, with 39% indicating a preference for Clinton and 32% for Obama.

However, 59% believed Obama would get the Democratic nomination because of the backing the Illinois senator has received from the family of the late president John F. Kennedy.

The poll also found that 51% of center-right voters would prefer a Democratic for the next American president, while 15% supported a Republican and 27% had not made any decision.

According to Sky 24 News director Emilio Carelli, what Italians like about the American primary process was that it was ''an instrument of direct democratic participation''.

''Having clear and accepted rules is the foundation of American democracy. And the race for president, while at times very harsh, always takes place in an atmosphere of mutual respect,'' he added.
