Italians working hard at sex

| Sat, 04/21/2007 - 05:52

Italians claim to have sex more often, for longer and with more orgasms than people in most other countries in the world, yet only a third are satisfied with their sex lives, according to new research.

Data collected by a well-known condom manufacturer in 26 countries around the world indicated that the average Italian has intercourse 121 times a year, a figure beaten only by the Greeks with 164.

At 20 minutes per experience, sex seems to last longer in Italy than anywhere else and, in addition, the proportion of interviewees who reported "regular" orgasms was high - two thirds compared to a global average of less than half.

But if all the 'basics' were in order, there was something still not right for many, because only 36% of Italians said they were "fully satisfied" in the sexual arena.

"The frequency of sexual relations, their length and the ability to reach orgasm do not necessarily mean sexual satisfaction," commented Marinella Cozzolino, president of the Italian Association of Clinical Sexology.

Of the 26,000 people interviewed all over the world, some 44% said they were sexually satisfied. Nigeria was top with 67% of its inhabitants claiming things were going very nicely.

"What emerges is that levels of satisfaction can often only be improved when people discuss their problems with their doctor or partner," Cozzolino said, with reference to the Italian paradox.

The Italians who are not "fully satisfied" are divided fairly evenly between those that would like a bit more "romance" and those that would like more "fun".

What "fun" involves was not spelled out, but some 49% of Italians said they were open to "new experiences" and erotic games topped the list of desires.

Italian women are slightly more satisfied than man, according to the statistics.
