Italy hails med diet UNESCO bid

| Wed, 07/18/2007 - 06:14

Italy on Monday hailed Spain's bid to earn the Mediterranean diet a place in the world's heritage alongside natural wonders like the Great Coral Reef or man-made glories like Machu Pichu and Notre Dame.

Italy's largest farm association Coldiretti said the Spanish bid, which has the full backing of the European Commission, was of "extraordinary" importance for Italy, the country identified by many people with the famous diet.

"The Mediterranean diet has been a part of Italy's cultural, historical, social and environmental heritage for centuries and has been closely linked to the lifestyles of the Mediterranean peoples throughout their history," Coldiretti said.

It said the staples of the diet - pasta, fruit, vegetables, olive oil and wine - were "emblematic products" of Italy, which leads the European Union standings in certificates of quality for its culinary glories.

"The initiative of the Zapatero government has an extraordinary value for Italy which is the symbol of this type of cuisine and where the food culture founded on the principles of the Mediterranean diet is most deeply rooted," it stressed.
