The Italy Magazine Image Competition - Celebrating over 5000 Forum Members

| Thu, 09/13/2007 - 10:27

The Italy Magazine website has grown in the past two years from a few hundred visitors a day to thousands and from a couple of hundred forum members to over 5000 registered members.

The exchange of information by all these members has led to the creation of a great resource for anyone looking to travel to Italy, buy and restore a house, or planning to live there.

To celebrate this success and thank all the people who have spend time on the website we decided to launch a fun mystery picture competition. The aim is guess the location and name of a building through a series of images and clues. Every 2-3 days we will be adding an extra clue or image until someone guesses it or the entire building is revealed!

The first to guess the location will win 50GBP (or the equivalent in other currencies) to spend on Amazon!

So without further delay here our our first clues:

Image Clue

A section of a frescoe

Historical Clue

The original building dates back to the 4th century A.D but little remains of the original design

Geographical Clue

It is located in a zone that is considered of average to high seismic risk.

The clues will start to get more specific with time but if you think you already have the answer then please or just want to take a wild guess. To take part you just need to join our forums - follow this link to register .

Buona Fortuna!
