Italy protects olive oil

| Wed, 05/30/2007 - 05:38

Italy has moved to protect its famed olive oil against foreign clones.

In a measure unveiled Wednesday, all 'virgin' and 'extra-virgin' olive oil will be sourced back to its geographical area of production - as far as the press that squeezed it into existence.

The new labels of origin, "will protect a star product against fraud, shield our producers from unfair competition and make sure consumers know what they're getting," said Farm Minister Paolo De Castro.

Italian farm organisation Coldiretti said the labels, expected to be slapped on bottles once they've been vetted by Brussels, would "stop people fooling consumers with mixtures from different places peddled as Italian products".

"This is a historic moment for a symbol of the Mediterranean diet," said Coldiretti chief Sergio Marini.

"Consumers will be able to make informed decisions, olive farms will be boosted, and fraudsters will be foiled".

Similar labels have been used to protect two other Italian food glories, tomato pastes and cheeses.
