Italy tops for well-being of tots

| Sun, 05/13/2007 - 06:03

Italy is the best place in the world for infants to live in, even if Italian mothers rank only 19th in the 8th annual 'Mother Index' drawn up by the Save the Children humanitarian organization.

The well-being of a child was calculated based on the mortality rate for under-five-year-olds, the cost of nursery schools and the cost of education.

"In Italy, health and education are amply guaranteed for children. However, the conditions and benefits for women are below standard and appear to have an effect on the birth rate in Italy," the organization said.

Italy was followed in the infant well-being index respectively by Iceland, Germany and Sweden.

Sweden was the best place for women, followed by Iceland, Norway and New Zealand.

Save the Children traditionally issues its Mother Index on Mother's Day in the United States.
