Jealousy almost always justified, top private eye says

| Thu, 03/12/2009 - 05:02

More than an obsession, jealousy would appear to be a form of intuition given that in 98% of cases there is good reason to be suspicious, according to top Italian private dectective Elio Petroni.

Speaking Wednesday at the presentation of a new film dealing with jealousy, Roberto Faenza's The Case of Unfaithful Klara, the famous gumshoe added that ''my clients' jealousy ends the moment there is proof of the betrayal, evidence which almost no one wants to see''.

According to Petroni, ''although it is true that 98% of the time those who suspect betrayal were right, it is also true than 90% of the time the guilty party is forgiven''.

A poll presented at the film presentation showed that 65% of young people between the ages of 16 and 21 consider themselves to be jealous by nature, a percentage which jumps to 80% among women.

The general consensus among young people was that jealousy was not something to be ashamed of with 63.5% admitting to suffering from jealousy and 39% saying their suspicions were in the end justified.

The poll also found that 39% of jealous young people monitor their partner's cellphone, while 22% check up on them through social networking websites like Facebook and MySpace.
