Jeremy Rifkin campaigns for renewable energy

| Sat, 02/10/2007 - 05:40

Jeremy RifkinU.S. economist and environmental activist Jeremy Rifkin told Italians this week they can do their bit to fight global warming by following a five-part plan.

"If we follow these simple indications, we can kick- start a new era, and reduce the greenhouse effect," said Rifkin during an address in the northern Italian city of Cremona.

Rifkin has written 17 books on how to "live green", and has served as personal advisor to Italian Premier Romano Prodi.

"We've got to start moving soon. By the end of this century, the temperature will have risen by three degrees centigrade, and that isn't something to take lightly".

Rifkin shares many scientists' view that hydrogen is the best way of obtaining sustainable energy. He stresses that it is less dependent on weather conditions than solar or wind power.

Hydrogen energy is a key component of his five-part plan.

Steps one and two call on the 27-member European Union to reduce carbon emissions by 20%, and limit emissions by 30% by 2020.

Steps three and four ask the EU to invest more heavily in renewable energy sources, like hydrogen.

With step five, Rifkin urges Europeans to come up with new ways of using technologies like the Internet so that individuals can learn how to create renewable energy sources and share their knowledge with others.

Despite his concern over the environment, Rifkin remains positive.

"Global warming is a huge problem, but if we put our heads together we can find plenty of solutions".
