List of new Cardinals

| Thu, 10/18/2007 - 04:19

List of new CardinalsFactbox - The pope on Wednesday named the following 23 new cardinals, whose appointments will be formalised at a ceremony in the Vatican on November 24.


- Msgr Leonardo Sandri (Argentina), Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches.
- Msgr John Patrick Foley (USA), head of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
- Msgr Giovanni Lajolo (Italy), head of Vatican City State administration.
- Msgr Paul Joseph Cordes (Germany), head of the Pontifical Council 'Cor Unum'.
- Msgr Angelo Comastri (Italy), Archpriest of St Peter's Basilica.
- Msgr Stanislaw Rylko (Poland), head of the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
- Msgr Raffaele Farina (Italy), the Vatican's chief archivist and librarian.
- Msgr Agustín García-Gasco Vicente, Archbishop of Valencia (Spain).
- Msgr Seán Baptist Brady, Archbishop of Armagh (Ireland).
- Msgr Lluís Martínez Sistach, Archbishop of Barcellona (Spagna).
- Msgr André Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris (France).
- Msgr Angelo Bagnasco, Head of the Italian Bishops' Conference and Archbishop of Genoa (Italy).
- Msgr Théodore-Adrien Sarr, Archbishop of Dakar (Senegal).
- Msgr Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay (India).
- Msgr Francisco Robles Ortega, Archbishop of Monterrey (Mexico).
- Msgr Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston (USA).
- Msgr Odilio Pedro Scherer, Archbishop of S o Paulo (Brazil).
- Msgr John Njue, Archbishop of Nairobi (Kenya).


- Emmanuel III Delly, Patriarch of Chaldean Catholic Church;
- Msgr Giovanni Coppa, Apostolic Nuncio; Msgr Estanislao Esteban Karlic, Emeritus Archbishop of Paraná (Argentina);
- Father Urbano Navarrete, former Rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University;
- Father Umberto Betti, former Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University.
