Mafia chief Provenzano moved to new prison

| Mon, 04/16/2007 - 05:23

Jailed Mafia 'boss-of-bosses' Bernardo Provenzano was moved on Friday to a new high-security prison in the northwest city of Novara.

Since his arrest a year ago, Provenzano has been held in a prison in Terni in the central region of Umbria.

Prison authorities said the transfer was routine and that convicted mafiosi were periodically moved around for security reasons.

Provenzano's new cell in the Terni jail was previously occupied by Raffaele Cutolo, a top boss in the Camorra - Naples' version of the Sicilian Mafia.

Provenzano, 74, was arrested on April 11, 2006 in a farmhouse outside the Sicilian town of Corleone after 43 years on the run.
