Man fined for ogling train passenger

| Fri, 04/18/2008 - 03:25

An Italian court on Thursday slapped a suspended ten-day jail sentence and a 40-euro fine on a man who stared too hard at a fellow passenger on a train.

The 30-year-old man was found guilty of harassment after looking at a woman in the same train compartment ''too insistently'' while they travelled on the Sondrio-Milan regional train.

According to the 55-year-old woman, the man had sat ''too close'' to her on the previous day's journey after asking her to move her coat.

The next day the man did not speak to the woman, but sat in front of her staring in a way she found ''impertinent and inappropriate''.

The woman reported the man to the railway police after she got off the train.

The man, who claims he was looking at the woman only because she happened to be sitting directly in front of him, has lodged an appeal.
