Man sentenced to three-month jail term for cat's death

| Sun, 11/23/2008 - 03:00

A man who let his cat starve to death while enjoying a three-month holiday was sentenced to a three-month jail term by a Rome court on Friday.

''I'm on vacation and can't return to Rome to take care of the cat,'' the man reportedly told neighbours who managed to trace him to plead for the animal's life.

Touched by the cat's agony the neighbours finally decided to call the police.

Though police broke into the man's flat it was too late to save the pet, who died a few hours later at the vet's office.

The man has also been ordered to pay for the legal costs of the trial, promoted by anti-vivisection group LAV, the country's main organisation against cruelty to animals.

In August 2004, Italy passed a tough law against animal abuse which included hefty fines and jail terms of between three and 18 months for a range of crimes against animals.

While dumping, torturing or killing animals has been outlawed in Italy for many years, the 2004 legislation also criminalized keeping animals in conditions that cause unnecessary suffering or forcing them to behave in a way ''incompatible with their instincts''.

While Italy's legislation may be progressive, some national animals rights' groups believe the country still has a long way to go.

For example, the abandonment of dogs during the summer holidays, when owners have trouble finding someone to look after their pets, is still a big problem.

Campaigners are also unhappy about the use of animals in laboratory tests and the lack of clear labelling on fur clothes and other items made from animal skins.
