Marijuana growing still a crime

| Sat, 04/26/2008 - 03:06

Growing marijuana for personal use is still a crime, Italy's highest appeals court said Thursday against the advice of a top official.

The Cassation Court, whose rulings set precedents, came out in favour of a hard line after a series of contradictory verdicts over the last year.

In one of them, a man was let off after persuading a court he was selling the plant as an ornament.

In another, a pensioner was convicted after police found a few pots on her balcony.

The Court's latest ruling makes it clear that it is a criminal offence to grow any amount of marijuana in a domestic setting.

There has never been any issue about larger-scale production of the drug.

Earlier in the day the deputy prosecutor-general at the court, Vitagliano Esposito, argued that growing a few plants for one's own use should be depenalised.
