Milan stocks rise after Asia

| Mon, 11/10/2008 - 06:14

Share prices in Milan and around Europe rose by some 3% after Asian bourses hailed a $600-billion stimulus package in China.

Milan came up 2.9% off the bell and then nudged to 3.01% up on the S&P/Mib.

Paris was 3.4% up, Frankfurt 3.3% up and London 3.06% up.

Earlier, in Asia, Tokyo closed 5.81% up, Shanghai climbed 7.27% and Sydney gained 1.39%.

Banking and insurance stocks were doing well in Milan with Intesa up 3.9%, Unicredit up 3.72% and Fondiaria-Sai up 5.76%.

Telecom was up 4.67% on better-than-expected results while Fastweb was up 2.94% and Tiscali up 4.15%.

Fiat gained 2.82%, Enel 2.91% and Eni 3.79%, while Edison was down 1.45%.

Pirelli Re lost 1.04% and Snam 0.85%.
