Most Tuscan olive oil exported to Usa

| Wed, 08/01/2007 - 06:54

Over 31,000 quintals of 'yellow gold' bottled and certified - Over 31,000 quintals of Tuscan IGP extra-virgin olive oil were bottled and certified only a few short months after the 2006 pressing.

Of these, over 20,000 were exported abroad. The United States tops the export list, followed by the UK, Germany, Japan, Denmark and Sweden.

The data comes from Colidiretti's 2006 statistics posted this past week. The increase in certified Tuscan Olive Oil is due to an increase in the number of newly certified presses.

Tuscany represents less than 5% of Italy's extra-virgin olive oil production but the certified Tuscan oil represents 40% of the national market for DOP and IGP olive oil.
