Napolitano in video-link with Afghan forces

| Mon, 12/22/2008 - 10:19

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano on Monday spoke on video-link to Italy's contingent in Afghanistan, hailing the troops as an example of unity at a time of political divisions and promising Italy's mission would proceed despite the financial crisis.

''In our country, often bitterly divided on the political front, there is a very wide consensus in parliament and among citizens for the efforts of troops committed abroad, and the way you carry out this commitment,'' he said from central command in Rome to Italy's Afghan HQ at Herat in the west of the Asian country.

Afghanistan is becoming ''ever more, the most demanding theatre for the international community,'' the president noted.

Noting that the United States is planning to double its troop numbers in the mission to beat back a growing Taliban threat, Napolitano said ''the cause of peace and development is at stake, the honour of the country is at stake, and we are honoured to take part''.

''In the context of the global economic and financial crisis,'' Napolitano went on, ''financing missions abroad is one of the priorities we cannot do without even at a time when resources are limited''.

The president also noted that Italy could improve military efficiency by rationalising spending and better liaising with other members of the European Union, NATO and the United Nations.
