New European partnership for Breda Trains

| Sat, 08/11/2007 - 04:47

New international development program in the works - AnsaldoBreda is soon to have a European ally. The announcement was made by the President and Chairman of the Finmeccanica Group, Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, during his visit to Florence for a Regione Toscana meeting.

While Guarguaglini did not provide details, he did add that it was to be an industrial and technological alliance .

Such a move will inevitably lead to new developments on national and international markets.

There are two international developments currently in the works one includes negotiations with the Russian rail system for a set of regional trains, the other deals with a potential consortium for the creation and management of a Saudi Arabian railroad.

The President and General Manager of Finmeccanica also confirmed the goal of getting back in budget by 2010 and reminded the press of the July 2nd agreement with the labour unions that foresees downsizing the management force by 250 people through an early retirement plan.
