'Pedigree' Venetians bid to save city

| Fri, 06/20/2008 - 04:04

A group of young Venetians are selling themselves as the last of a dying breed in a bid to stop developers turning the city into a place only tourists can afford.

''Born and bred Venetians, excellent pedigree, last in stock: movie extras, fancy-dress parties, high-toned decoration. Going fast!'' reads the eBay offer whose price has risen from 10 to 2,800 euros in a day.

The ad was placed by 22 members of a local virtual community, Venessia.com, who are worried that ever-bigger chunks of the city are being turned into hotels and B&Bs, making it harder and harder for locals to find affordable homes.

''Venice is getting emptier every day,'' say the group, who have put up a 'depopulation' ticker in one of the city's squares, Campo San Bartolomeo.

''As of June 2008 it stands at 60,577 - a steep drop of 143 compared to March,'' the 22 say.

''We can't stand idly by and watch the city population drain away amid general indifference,'' they say, urging politicians to halt a planned sale of prime palazzi.

''Venice must remain a living city.

''How can it live without its inhabitants?''
