Pisa is centre of free software

| Sat, 10/27/2007 - 04:02

Pisa is centre of free softwareFlash News - Tuscan region boosting navacchio technological centerThe Tuscan regional government is working towards an agreement with the Pisa province to create a centre for informational open sourcing in the city.

Open sourcing, or free software, is accessible to everyone and precludes the payment of copyright or duties.

Regional vice president Federico Gelli explained: "The centre will be centred on the experience and the abilities of the technological centre in Navacchio, which will in-turn involve businesses in this project. The University of Pisa will concern itself public administration".

According to the regional government, the idea is that free software should not be considered the realm of technical experts alone, instead it should be viewed as the new frontier in the development and use of the web in order to ensure quality, savings and democracy. The regional government is adapting this software to comply with its office systems and its e-government projects.
