Postive close for Pitti Bimbo

| Sun, 07/06/2008 - 03:16

The 67th edition of Pitti Bimbo, the largest international tradeshow for kid's fashion, closed positively at Florence's Fortezza da Basso.

During the three-day show, 572 collections were presented, and all fashion shows and events were filled to capacity.

Pitti Bimbo brought nearly 8,000 buyers to Florence, a number in line with last year's edition. The foreign market is staying strong, which registered 3,000 buyers, equal to nearly 40% of the total.

Looking at the dynamics of foreign markets, buyers from Austria, Switzerland and Belgium recorded a positive performance, and the number of buyers from the Middle East and Arab countries stayed strong, as did those from Russian and other Eastern European countries (like the Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania).

Buyers from Southeast Asia were up, with China and Korea leading the pack.

Interesting developments included the increase in new markets like Australia and Brazil, the first buyers from Indonesia and the good results obtained from Serbia.

Between buyers and collections, almost 100 countries were represented at this year's show.

Baby World, the area dedicated to infants in the Sala delle Grotte, was a resounding success.

The Baby World businesses said they made commercial contacts with important international buyers, recording an increasing interest in the market towards increasing the infants sector in more than just fashion realm.

Pitti Immagine director Raffaello Napoleone said, ''We recorded positive comments on the part of the exhibitors and the buyers at the Fortezza. The new projects and new collections were well received, a sign that the sector is evolving in terms of quality production, services and consumer modalities''.

Topic: Fashion