Pramac invests 70 million in solar energy

| Mon, 02/04/2008 - 03:58

Pramac invests 70 million in solar energyPramac, business with headquarters in Casole d'Elsa (near Siena), leader in the production and distribution of generator groups also quoted on the Milan stock exchange, aims to become a major player on the European solar power scene during the next three years (2008-2010).

To achieve this goal, the company has stipulated an agreement of 70 million euro for the purchase of a solar panel factory near Locarno, with Oc Oelikon Balzers Ltd, a Swiss company in the hi-tech sector that gave the keys to the industrial site to the Tuscan business.

Production is based on solar power modules with thin micromorph' film technology.

Approximately 140 people will be employed at the factory that will begin production in January 2009.

Pramac will be the only Italian company to have such advanced technology.

Pramac explained their goals with regard to the industrial plan 2008-2010 with which they plan to exceed 430 million euro in sales in 2010, thanks to an average annual growth of 24% and an increase of the gross operative margin of 34%. During the same period the net borrowing in 2010 will come in at 83 million. Investments are forecasted at 77 million euro.
