President is 'huge fan' of Pope Benedict XVI

| Fri, 06/13/2008 - 03:49

US President George W. Bush is a ''huge fan'' of Pope Benedict XVI and supports his efforts to promote peace and wipe out world hunger, Chief of Protocol Nancy Goodman Brinker said on Thursday.

Bush ''has full respect'' for the pope, said Brinker, speaking to ANSA ahead of Friday's meeting at the Vatican.

Brinker said the president ''fully supports the (Catholic) Church and fully supports everything this pope is trying to do on behalf of peace, education and hunger in cooperation with world political leaders''.

Brinker recalled Benedict's visit to the US in April, saying she felt honoured to have organised the birthday greeting at his arrival on the South Lawn of the White House.

Benedict, who turned 81 on April 16, the day of his visit to the White House, was treated to an impromptu rendition of ''Happy Birthday'' by the large crowd gathered to welcome him.

''It was really touching ...the Pope was really was wonderful, the weather was perfect. It was a magical moment and it was a real honour for me to have been involved in organising it''.
