Press's ad revenue up 3.7% in 2007

| Thu, 02/07/2008 - 06:20

The Italian press's advertising revenue increased 3.7% year-on-year in 2007, according to data issued by the Italian federation of advertising concessionaries FCP.

The dailies registered a 4.5% rise in revenue, while advertising space went up 11.1%.

The turnover and advertising space of national commercial advertising climbed by respectively 4.3% and 9.3%.

Revenue from local commercial ads climbed by 5.9% and the advertising space increased by 12.7%.

Ads for services ads registered a rise of 2.9% in revenue and of 9.9% in advertising space.

Advertising revenue generated by paid dailies went up 3.5% and space increased by 10.2%.

Italy's free dailies recorded a 26.2% growth in the revenue and their advertising space went up by 22.8%.

The advertising revenue of periodicals grew by 2.5% and their advertising space went up 0.2%.

Weekly publications registered a 0.8% drop in the advertising revenue and a 1.6% decrease in advertising space.

Monthlies saw a rise in their revenue by 7.7%, while the advertising space grew by 2.4%.

Other periodicals registered a 4.7% fall in revenue and a 3.7% drop in the advertising space.
