Producers and consumers to meet at Turin Wine Salon

| Thu, 10/25/2007 - 05:25

Producers and consumers to meet at Turin Wine SalonThe sixth annual Turin Wine Salon opens its doors on Friday and for four days will provide a common ground for producers and consumer to meet face-to-face.

Held at the Lingotto trade center, the theme of this year's wine show is: The Regions of Wine, The Reasons for Wine.

Special attention will be paid this year to the growing number of organic wines and the efforts being made to encourage consumers to learn more about the places where wine is produced through the presentation of typical regional wines.

"The Italian wine sector is in constant expansion with exports the value of exports this year expected to hit three billion euros. This is a confirmation of the ability of our producers to meet demands both in terms of price and quality," observed Federico Vecchioni, head of the farm owners' association Confagricoltura.

Organised by Promoter International, the Turin Wine Salon will again this year see the active participation of the Slow Food movement which will host a number of presentations and attractions.

These will include the presentation of the sixth edition of the organization's Guide to Everyday Wine - the Best Italian Wines for Less than eight euros.

Some 540 wines are on this year's list and will be available for tasting and purchase at the fair.

Slow Food will also host eight Laboratories of Taste where experts and producers will present a number of prestigious wines from Italy and abroad.

Other key events will be the 3rd Forum on Domestic Grapes: Vines and Wines; and the 4th International Workshop: Italian Wines Out to Conquer New Markets.

There will also be a discussion on the fact that while Italian wines are conquering new horizons at home they are losing ground at home

Taking place alongside the Wine Salon this year will be the Confectionary Arts and Chocolate Salon with special attention paid to what wines best accompany quality sweets.
