Prostitutes to protest against client fines

| Sun, 05/20/2007 - 06:03

In response to a new crackdown on their profession, prostitutes here in this northern Italian city said they will offer "free service" to their clients who have been fined under a new city ordinance

Police this week began handing out 50-euro fines to the clients and started to enforce a new ban on anyone dressing in public in a way which "offends public decency".

An estimated 80% of the city streetwalkers are taking part in the initiative to compensate their clients for being fined and they are wearing pink badges to let their clients know they will be 'reimbursed' if fined.

A total of nine people have been fined since the law went into effect.

In order to protest against the new law, prostitutes here said they will take part in march on May 16 in support not only of the rights of their clients, but also to underscore the "social function" hookers play in society.

The march will end in front of city hall where a delegation of protestors will ask to meet with the mayor, Flavio Zononato.

The mayor has justified imposing fines on the clients of streekwalkers on the grounds that "it is one of the primary duties of the administration to safeguard those who use the city's roads both day and night in areas where there exists the phenomenon of prostitution".
